Cartalige piercing! HELP!!

ok, so I was reading some questions on here and one girl wanted her cartalige pierced and was asking questions about it and so heres mine! is it better to use a needle or a gun? how bad does it hurt(1-10, 1 being not bad, 10 being horrible pain)? How do you know it’s infected? thanks, I hope you guys can help!

Answer #1

Well I’ve Done Both I have 4 cartalige percings. um I prefer the gun better just because its much faster! the percing itself dosent hurt at all but it gets sore. hope I helped(:

Answer #2

I have never had it done with a gun. they use needles mostly in peircing shops. its the same. and she didnt say anything about piercing it herself.

Answer #3

its better to go to a professional and have them use that gun that they use. dont try and do it yourself cus that would be really stupid. it doesnt hurt at all when you get it done but it gets a little sore afterwards. if its infected it will be red and it will feel hot and there would probably be puss and swollen tissue.

Answer #4

I have my cartileges pierced 5 times and I think it doesnt hurt at all. id say like a 2. and it will be swollen and red and hurt and itchy if its infected

Answer #5

No gun. It is unsanitary. You can not fully sanitize a gun. Also it shatters your cartilage making healing slower. The best thing to do is go to a professional piercer not a gum chewing air head at the mall who has no actual idea what the are doing. Go to a professional at a piercing studio or a tattoo shop. (Also professional piercers in the US are trying to get the gun banned.)

Answer #6

ok well I peirced mine by myself with an earing, my parents were against getting it peirced but I did it by myself anyway. the pain would be like a 3 or 4. not bad at all, I didnt use ice either. in the end it did get infected but not bad, I took it out for a day or two and then it was better so I put an earing in it and I still have it now. so just go for it, its worth it. and if your going to peirce it with an earing make sure the end of the earing is sharp. :)

Answer #7

Not a gun! It shatters your cartilage making it take longer to heal. But the pain isn’t too bad, maybe a 3/4. Depends on your pain threshold.

Answer #8

i used a gun when i got mine pierced and it worked really well so ill recommend a gun . 1 - 10 it hurt about a 2 . not painful at all . if its infected it will hurt alot and be swollen and red .

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