Answer #1

its a deep red colour :]

Answer #2

[link removed]

Answer #3

its a crushed scale insect… yuck i went on wiki answers! They put it in a sweet called Runts..

Answer #4

It’s a bright red color that comes from an acid in dead beetles. It can be used as coloring in products like candies, juice, beauty products, etc.

Answer #5

why do they use it?

Answer #6

For food coloring. People tend to buy foods that look good. The redder the apple, for example, the better it looks to eat. It’s kind of unsettling if you ask me, haha.

Answer #7

Carmines also a character in Gears of War :)

Answer #8

lol yh :/

Answer #9

E[link removed]. I eat those!

Answer #10

lol so did i…lol i was eating them and enjoying them…lol and as i was eating them i turned the pack around to reed the Ingredients and it said it contained carmine…so i asked on here what it is and it turns out its crushed insect :/ lol..x

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