Cant get over him..please help

A month ago. Sept 24, my boyfriend broke up with me. Honestly it was the hardest break up I ever had to face. And I have him in two of my classes, so I have to see him basicaly everyday. I always tried to hide how much it hurt. At first we were friends, it still hurt but I at least could talk to him. Then I dont even know what happened and he became a jerk and just ignored me and started being rude to me when I talked to him. So I never talked to him. I always caught my self looking at his direction. Then I found out he had a girlfriend and thats when I really broke down and my best friend had to make sure I didnt do anything stupid or kill myself. The entire time I felt like I wasnt pretty enough because she had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I just have tan skin brown eyes and black hair. I thought I was over him and then something, I dont know what, led me to go to his a social site, to her page, and to see her recent picture that he commented on. He said she was beautiful, he loved her eyes, and that he just plain loved her. And I broke down again. I realized that it has been a month and I am still in love with him even though its a lost cause to ever think he could love me again. So I need help. Please tell me ways to forget him and just get over him. Because everytime I see him with her I always wish it was me and later I always have my mind overflown with memories of us

Answer #1

Ok, there are two ways to go about this. 1) which is my least favorite nor promoting it. Hate him. Focus on how he hurt you and turn it to anger where it becomes revolting to think you were ever with him. But it has side affects, so be careful. 2) forgive him. I like this one because it gives you the ability to move on and forget him without all the negative side affects. You’ll be happier and better for it.

Ok, bottom line. Listen he I guess is into blondes. So what, I’m interested in brunettes. To each there own. Look, just because he doesn’t find you as attractive as the blonde doesn’t make you any less beautiful. I believe there is someone for everyone. It may take a few heart aches along the way, but one day you’ll meet a guy who thinks you are more beautiful than anyone else, and make you know it. All you have to do is make sure you are ready for him. Don’t look at your loss, just look at it as an opportunity to upgrade. The way you look at it completely changes your situation.

Your heart will heal over time. They always do, so try to keep yourself busy so you won’t think about him. I wish you the best. God bless

Answer #2

Im sorry about the break up… BUt at least the friend part happened… But for him to start acting like a jerk was wrong. No girl deserves that to happen to them. It’s very normal for a girl to not be over a guy she really cared about within a month. And although he is, and has moved on, I think you should to. You just need to let him go. Don’t hold on to the memories forever, just learn from them. And I’m NOT saying you need to get a new boyfriend; Just start talking and have some fun. Just don’t give yourself a reputaion. By the way, I bet you’re very beautiful. I am also a girl ith brown skin and dark hair, and not to sound concited or anything,but I get comments saying that I look pretty or as guys say “hot”. And if you’re shy, who cares??? Guys like it. But at the same time, show confidence. Guys like that too. I promise you, the guy world does NOT revolve around girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. Smile a lot more… You’ll get more attention. I hope I helped in some way.

Answer #3

First of all tina is kinda right you are young and you will have to face more of these chalinges and you need to realize this is reality in the world its hard out here. You also have to understand you probly loved someone who did not even exsist! If this guy was able to get over you as fast as he did he probly never loved you in the first place, now this may seem harsh but its realy liberating cause it means he was not real with you wich mean the “pearson” you think this other girl has that you want back and so on an so forth is not real! your not missing any thing trust me. Good luck hun I’m sure u’ll b fine :)

Answer #4

Im sorry about that but at times when you feel like your about to break down you should know that you are broken up and you hate for doin that. I get it you love him but is it really love??? if it was it wouldvr lasted forever. But did it? Maybe you should go out with someone else you have to get over him sooner or later. but in life everyone will have this happen to them. but if he couldnt handle you then why would he b able to handle her? and next thing you know it he might come crawling to you when he gets dumped but in your head everytime you see him just think of all the things he did to u… has to be bad thinds lol. Hopefully you get what you need but if I were you I wouldnt EVER go back to him just turn around and keep walkin and dont turn back.

Answer #5

Whomp. You need to realize that you’re 16 years old. You’re going to go through a million more of these heartaches throughout your life, this is just the beginning. Just stop cyber stalking him and mooove on. Why do you keep looking back? That is not where you’re headed. look forward and stay strong. Stop thinkin about what your missing and start thinkin about all the things you have that others are missing. Breaking down over a STUPID boy is weak and despicable. PUSH FORWARD. forget him and his new girl.

PS: and remember, keep ya head up kid ‘cause LIFE GOES ON.

Answer #6

Same thing here. We were together for 2 years, and two days ago he dumpedme over a text..

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