Cant 4get her

About 2 months ago I was broken up with in a really harsh way, the girl was…well the girl of my dreams! Anyway she asked me out and she didnt really like me, and after 3 weeks of fake “I love yous” and kisses she broke up with me she said it wasnt a joke but it really was, anyway this made me really deppresed(go read my other question “is depression doing this 2 me” ) and im still depressed she’s was my first “great” relationship and she blew it… I mean girls dont really like me that much im unconfident im unapealing and…I dont know…and now I cant stop thinking about her, she was litterally my dream girl and now I cant stop thinking of her and how wrong she did me is this normal because I think I’ve been thinking about her 4 to long I mean we only dated for 3 weeks someone please help!!!

Answer #1

honeslty I think you just need to get over it?..if it was a harsh break up then and you dont see you’s getting back together then I dont think theres any point in thinkin about it too much x

Answer #2

she’s was my first “great” relationship we only dated for 3 weeks the girl of my dreams!

So your dream girl is a total flake? You should work on better dreams… and your rejection issues… your inexperience is blowing this situation WAY out of proportion. You don’t know enough about women to even know what you want. It was only 3 weeks. Get over it. Move on.

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups