Can you move out at 17?

My friend is 17 years of age, her father is…lets just say intimidating…my parents have offered her a place at our house and asked her to move in, my friends father told her if she tried to leave he’d call the cops and report her as a runaway and said the cops would make her live with him. Can he do that? Is there any way around it? Please help

Answer #1

Yes he can do that. Me and my friend are kind of in the same thing. She would have to wait until she’s 18 because then her dad cant call the police since she’ll be an adult. The only way around it is if she can prove that theres some real reason why she shouldnt be living with her dad such as abuse, bad conditions, just stuff like that.

Answer #2

I’m currently in college training to be a nurse and a family lawyer. My textbooks have mentioned this several times.

I just re-checked my textbooks and the legal age to move out in texas is 17 and their ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they can do about it.

However, if her parents try to contest her moving away all she needs to do is go to your county jail and ask the for “Release of responsibility” form, or “Child-Parential disownment” form.

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