Can you get your period when pregnant?

can you have your period when you are pregnant? like 3 months in a row? also, if u have sx w. a condom (the guy) and after he goes in it he takes it off and then we have sx again without one, is that bad ? i mean i understand theres precum and all but he said he wasnt going to come again ??

Answer #1


Answer #2

Dear qtpi7275, First question…yes you can have your period if you are pregnant, If you suspect your pregnant get to a doctor ASAP especially if you think you are 3 months pregnant. Second question…is it bad to have sx without a condom…YES, even second time around, OF COURSE. Sperm live quite a while on the body and can be transferred with ease. If you’ve been practicing this unsafe form of sx than see a doctor not only for a pregnancy test but for STDs as well. Sue…good luck

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