Can you tell what's wrong with me?

Lately I’ve been feeling lots of fatigue not eating the way I usually do and wanting to sleep a lot… What is wrong wit me …whats your thought on this I will be going to the docter for a check up

Answer #1

it might be that your not eating, but if your feeling sad or mad or somthing like that, you might be a little depressed, you might want to go to a docter tho just to b sure

Answer #2

I do it too.But I get up w/ my husband in the morning and don’t go back to bed.Sometimes it’ll be 3:00 before I get hungry.And even then I don’t have an urge to eat.I drink lots of water though.Mabey you could be depressed?That might be why you want to sleep and don’t want to take the time to make something to eat!

Answer #3

thats kinda whats going on with me lol

well it could be like if your on your period or sumthing (lol sorry) because that happens to me or your just getting older and changing your eating habits.

that happens.

lol good luck!

Answer #4

Your first problem is not eating well you need carbs for energy and when you don’t eat well that can make you feel sick. good luck

Answer #5

but this only happen recently I dont noe why this is happening…and I eat everything ( well when im hungry now ) but before when I was eating normal id eat everything and anything…just now I wake up at 7 am the usual I drink my coffee then im usually hungry at around 10:30 but lately I’ve gone long as 1:30pm and still not being hungry =S…like today it was almost 2 when I finally decided NO I need to put sumthing in me

like I dont want to force my self to eat because I heard its not good …but sometimes tats what I have to do

Answer #6

You might be becoming diabetic. You should definitely be checked out by your doctor or at a clinic.

Answer #7

Well then I’m not sure but do go the the Dr. ok and they will be able to help you. good luck :)

Answer #8

yeah thanks =)

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