can you help me

hey! me and my “friend” have been talking for a while like since last year. at first we were just friends I guessed I liked her but I never really tried because she dated a lot of boys so we became best friends. not to long ago like in septmber we started showing effections for on another (now she lives in another state). Now our feeling for one another is amazing we talk every day and even stay on the phone when were sleep just to tell each other good morning. we tell each other that we love each other but we dont go togather. well really the problem is she told me she still has feeling for her EX and still talk on the phone to him. that ticks me off but she says she no Obligated to me (I think I spelled that wrong) and that Bull to me. she just know told me and I dont want a part of that even thou she shows me so much love but yet it eats me up in side knowing that.

Answer #1

She just sees you as a good friend. Even if your both saying you love each other, doesnt really mean anything. Best friends can say that! I think you are reading more into this than she really means for it to be. Your NOT dating…thats the issue here. If you were, then you can feel the way you do about her still taking to her ex, but she right…she isnt obligated to you! There is NO commtment between you two, so she can do what she wants!

Answer #2

Sounds like she wants the best of both worlds, she has all the affection in the world from you and it sounds like she is getting it from her ex as well. You deserve someone to love you and want to be with only you, sorry to say but she is just plain selfish is leading you both on like this, you need to take a stand, tell her she has to choose either him or you otherwise its over, you deserve someone who will give their heart to you 100%! go find that special girl and stop wasting time with this one.

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