Can this Really happen

the last time my friend had sexy was three days before her period which was last month…now here we are in october and her period still hasn’t come could she still be pregnant???

Answer #1

Well…I would tell your friend that she should be going to the doctors for a test. That is the only way of answering that. AT home pregnacy tests can cost a lot, and give false of the docs

Answer #2

did she use any protection? is she on any form of birth control? if she answeres no to both of those questions not only is she uneducated and sillyfor having sex in the first place but is also most likely pregnant and would be about a month along now so its too late to get the morning after pill all she can do is get a pregnancy test she needs to learn about 4 things before having sex birth control, contraception, sti/stds and pregnancy its eaier to avoid things happeing now that to find out the hard way later on so tell her to go to the doctor or/and get a test and shell need the support of her family as well

Answer #3

I don’t know about the US, but home pregnancy tests are not that expensive, $20 tops. Someone on here even mentioned seeing some selling for $1 even though I would suggest that you get mid-range price ones than ones on sale.

But anyway, you can actually get pregnant any time of the month. Ovulation can change and be unpredictable, and ovulating a few times a month isn’t uncommon either.

Take the home pregnancy test, and if you’re still unsure by the 2nd try, go to the doctor’s for a blood test.

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