Can't get over it ]=

Okay, so me and my former Boyfriend we’re dateing for 2 years, we broke up last week, and I can’t seem to take him outta my mind… I’ve cried every day sence we broke up, listened to ‘our’ song, a bunch of times.. and until 3 days ago I stoped crying over him.. I kept denieing that fact that I still was in love w/ him.. He cheated on me with a girl over the interent and… we see each other everyday.. I can’t take it.. When I see him I begin to tear up, How we use to walk together… and now we’re like complete strangers.. He said he hated me and evertything.. but I no that I don’t hate him… My friends.. are all fed up with it and just say to forget about him… He wasnt worth my time.. But How can I forget about someone who was just such an Important part of my life??? …

Answer #1

time…before you know it you wont even remember you went out wit him…just give it time

Answer #2

They’re right. Time is all that will help, but you also can’t dwell on things that remind you of him. I had been dating my girlfriend for almost two years and she broke up with me. I felt that I truly loved her. I cryed for a week solid. (thank God it was summer). This all happened 9 months ago. I still think about her everyday, you won’t forget about them, but you can’t let that hold you down. Someone else is out there waiting for you. You just got to find them.

Answer #3

its not gonna happen over night. like obviously 2yrs is a lot. he didnt “love” you the way you did. its gonna take some time. that cheesy saying “time heals all wounds” it really is true. youll find some great guy that loves you and treats you right. give it time though

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