can't get over him ='(

I’ve been crushing on this one guy for a couple of years now. I asked him out last year but he said it’s not going to happen. I chased after him a bit (I think thats what scared him away). I don’t speak to him anymore and I rarely ever see him…but the problem is I can’t get him out of my head. I think about him probably everyday…help me!!!!!!! I don’t want to be obsessed anymore =(

Answer #1

Hey girl,

This is an honest response if ever you needed one. I am in your position and believe me when i say i know what you’re going through. The first step honestly is to move on. I made the decision not to make my guy no1 in my life. We’ve stoppd talking even though it kills me that we don’t communicate anymore.

That doesn’t mean i don’t think about him. believe me i do. but seriously i try keeping myself occupied. Sooner rather than later you’ll find that time goes by and you have thought about him less than you would have normally. For example, on a day whne you’re not doing anything and find that he’s on your mind, get the girls together, hire a scary movie, or go out alone to a bar to meet people and cheer up.

You’ll be a stronger person for distancing yourself from him and in the process will meet new people.

Best of luck and keep your chinup

Answer #2

the problem is…I like thinking about him. but i think its too obsessive and I want to move on. i feel as lingering on this is doing me no good. No harm either really but no good also.

Answer #3

I have been in your position before..Ignore the first response..It’s easier said that done to just “forget about them.’’ However You should be keeping yourself very busy to keep your mind off him..The less “free time’’ you have the less time you have to sit and dwell on this guy..So keep yourself busy with friends/work/classes or anything that can occupy your time..It is going to take TIME to get over this won’t happen over night..

Answer #4

i’m kinda of weird but i think the best way to get over him is to make yourself the best you can be….. concentrate on making your hair beatiful, your skin perfect, your teeth white, your body fit and toned. Then next time you see him, his jaw will drop to the floor…… and then you can just laugh at him and say now its too late

Answer #5

STOP thinking about him! Thats the ONLY way you will be able to get over him, and move on!

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