Can't get over her

I am 21 years old and I have been with my girlfriend for over a year. She is perfect. My friends like her, she makes me laugh, we have fun together, she is beautiful, she has a good job, the same aspirations in life as me, the same goals as me and she would do anything to make me happy. She tells me everyday that she loves me and I trust her and care about her without question.

When I was 18 I slept with a woman who was considerably older than me, and although we were never an exclusive couple, I believe that I loved her and that she cared about me too. This woman and I have remained in contact over the past 3 years, drifting in and out of each others lives as and when required/suitable. We have slept together a few times over these years.

The problem is, as much as I love my girlfriend, and know that she is good for me, I can’t help but think about this other woman. It has been three years since our fling but when I saw her on Friday night I felt like I wanted it happen all over again. I’m not sure that I am ever going to get her. She would not be as good for me as my current girlfriend is. She is untrustworthy and hard work. I am not even sure she would ever want anything from me. But I cant get her out of my head. It has been years and years and years.

Is it worth giving up on my good relationship in order to give this other crush an opportunity to develop? Or should I keep pushing this older woman to the back of my mind?

Answer #1

Is it fair to stay with my girlfriend when I am feeling this way about somebody else tho? And after three years, I still feel the same.. doesnt that suggest that there is something more to it?

Answer #2

Yes, but that is assuming I can manage the mind over matter thing. My head tells me not to be so stupid as to leave her. If only it was that easy though…

Answer #3

ok let me tell u. people are strange, we seem 2 want what isnt best 4 us. the people who treat us badly who we think we can change, or want what we cant have. we like a bit of competition you know. this isnt a good thing, its why people start having affairs temptation just gets the better of us. now picture this, you break up with your current girlfriend who makes you happy, loves you and all d rest 4 this older woman who you already know will be hard work, you get together you will have an exciting passionate couple of months and then it will surface why you shudnt have got together in the first was just lust! never choose lust over love… if you feel like you could love this other woman and you are destined 2 b with her and c urself having a future with her then by all means follow your heart, but it doesnt seem that way 2 me. hope this helped!

Answer #4

I dont know I have the same prob except with guys…let me know when you figure it out…

Answer #5

You need to think about the future. You have a great relationship with someone who really cares about you. The attraction you have with this other girl could be a shallow one (sometimes our own minds can trick us). If you put things into perspective, the right decision will become obvious to you.

You have a stable relationship with someone who has a steady job, who makes you happy and who loves you. And on the other hand, you have a girl who had sex with you 3 years ago who just might want to do it again. It sounds harsh, but you have something that so many people aren’t lucky enough to have. Cherish your girlfriend and anjoy the fact that you have someone who truly makes you happy!

Answer #6

It is fair, because things like this are natural. Your mind can have internal conflicts and be indecisive. This is a battle that you must face alone (it isn’t something that you should talk to your partner about unless it progresses). You have to weigh up the positive and negative side of things. If you remember how much your girlfriend means to you and that this other girl can’t make you happy (or not nearly as happy), then eventually this will pass.

At the end of the day, your head controls your body. If this is purely a sexual thing, try a few new things with your partner. The love that you two share will make things feel better than any fling possibly could (not just physically, but emotionally). Stick with your girlfriend because you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. Those are harsh, but wise words my friend. Good luck!

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