How to lose weight and fast?

Ok, Im a junior. I’m 16 years old. I have no friends or boyfriend. I am 5 feet even and 146 pounds. I’m on the soccer team and Iove exercising. I eat once maybe twice a day and healthy stuff, too. But Im not losing any weight. People say its good beause I’m not THAT fat. THAT fat still means I am indeed fat. But according to my family the boobs and butt is what matters. They dont realize it but I’m depressed and I cut myself. Recently, I tried going bulimic but it hasnt worked. I want to lose 25 pounds, and fast can anyone help?

Answer #1

I want you to read what you just wrote. OBVIOUSLY the unhealthy way is not helping you, nor will it EVER help anyone. if you want to lose weight then you have to do it the healthy way. you have to do cardio (walking, jogging, jumping jacks..) and eat FIVE well balanced, small healthy meals a day. you’re not fat, you’re just extremely insecure. accept yourself as you are, and lose weight because you want to be HEALTHY not because you want to be “skinny minnie” and you’ll be SO much happier.

Answer #2

First off, thanks for the help. I dont eat sweets at all, and I do 300 situps a day,and like I said I am on the soccer team so I work out everyday for about 2 hours. My stomache muscles are well built I just have to get the chubbiness from around it. And I dont eat that much because, I eat cearel, then go to school eat nothing there cause…ew. Then I go to soccer from 235 to 410 go home do sit ups, and eat a little at dinner. I get full fast and I drink water a lot. Basically, I just want the little chubbiness to go away from my tummy and around the arms.

Answer #3

hey try eating less like your hungry eat a tuna sandwich with wheat bread just one and thats it and then work out and run more that has to work. my sis had the same problem and she ran a lot and ate tuna sad when she was hungry and it worked but I personally hate diets because I like to treat my self lol hehe well you just have to work out more and situps and self control not to eat sweets

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