I feel so backed up most of the time

I feel so backed up most of the time, because most of my friends are married and in process of getting engaged. I am the noe that feel so behind than all of them I dont know why. sometimes I think im ugly that is why im still single and no one like me. that is how I satisfiy myself I dont know or I dont have luck.

Answer #1

You’re first problem is comparing your love life to your friends. You are not them and they are not you and you need to understand that and realize you might not even want to be married yet. I get that times can be lonely when you don’t have someone special in your life but you don’t want to jump the gun because it’s what everyone else is doing. You won’t be happy in the long run. Second you need to realize that you are a beautiful person. Your self confidence is low and you need to find something within YOURSELF that will bring it back. Most women’s problems are they are so worried about how everyone is going to view them they don’t take the time to view themselves for what they really are. You won’t ever find a solid long lasting relationship with someone until you learn to love yourself first.

I know it gets hard to be the odd one out in certain situations but you just need to look at it like you’re the lucky one. You still get to go out and experience what they think or may have found. You get to date around and really discover for yourself what it is you’re looking for in a partner instead of finding out years down the road when you’re stuck with what you got. Not saying your friends aren’t happy and won’t be. I wish them all the best.

Just start meeting new guys and dating around and have fun. It will happen when it’s suppose to happen.

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