Can identidy be stolen? Plese answer as best as you can!:)

Ok so my anty and mom went out this one other day. My anty I hate her she has donethings that complitly are horrable! she has stolen from old people and sold identiedis to people who come to the united states. My questtion is that when they went out, my mom went to get a flu shot and she left her medicaid card in my anties purse, My anty has so much against us because I think she wants what we have. She’s always been jelous of me because I have been good at school and have varius talents and her son is on drugs and all that. She tried to keep my mom and dad apart by acusing my dad of something he didn’t do and a lot of bad stuff. When I was 9 years old she my dad had a surgery and she new I was scared to stay at home alone and she promised my dad she will look after me and whe I went to her house I cried at her door but she opened it and she closed it in my face! She’s just horrable a horrable pearson who has no hart does things and then tries to act like the victim! Can she still or sale my mom’s identy trough the madicaid card?

Plese be as helpful as you can! Thanks!:)

Answer #1

yeah identity can be stolen I think.. I mean, it can be used illegally (like flying voters, thieves, etc).

I have an aunt like that. it sucks. grrr. and we live in the same house!

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