Can I say no?!

I dont get it.. Why do like councelors or your doctor have to tell someone if you are going to hurt yourself.. all they do is tell your parents and that doesnt help considering you came to them for help!? like I know it is the law.. but what is the point?? And does anyone know what they do if you tell them you were raped?! Do you have a right to say no to an examination?!

Answer #1

Ok, well you’re arguing with the law here. The law that says very many random things…

It depends on what you mean by going to hurt yourself. If you’re planning on committing suicide, well for one thing your parents have a right to know, for another thing, they need to keep an eye out on you to keep you safe. The other alternative is being dumped in the psych ward. Which does no one any good. The point is for you to be safe. It may not be the ideal thing, but considering counselors and doctors cannot take you home, they have to let the people who are taking you home to look out for you. Also, seriously, if you’re telling a counselor or doctor you’re going to hurt yourself, you know they’re going to do something about it. You’re asking for help. They’re going to give you that help…

Hmm. This is a tough one. As far as I know, if it was an adult, or someone overage, a counselor has to report it to child protective services. If it was someone of the same age, I’m not sure about that… As I keep telling people, ask in hypotheticals… “my friend was raped, she’s not sure if she tells her counselor or doctor, whether they will report it” and go from there… now of course I’m not saying counselors or doctors are stupid. There never is a friend. But it will give you an answer. Actually, this place might know the answer to it, there’s an online chat function. (also it would help to know the state/country where you live).

Answer #2

You dont have a right since you are underage…the only people who cant tell your parents are a therapist and people of that profession who you go to and pay money to see them…they are confidential…Rape is punishable by law and so the person who did it needs to go to jail…your parents need to know…if someone is harming themselves then they can ofcourse die and if they attempt to commit suicide by unsucceed then they will have to go to the hospital and pretty much have a baby sitter while there and some have to go to the mental ward. They take these things seriously and those people you go to are allowed to say things…now I’m not positive abotu a school councelor because mine was confidential like my brother hurt me when I was younger and I told her but she wasnt allowed to tell anyone…you need to ask your principal if she is and if she is confidential and she said something she can lose her job.

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