Can I get my job reinstated

If I was already employed, and I had a court proceeding , and and my ex-wife framed me , and I was put into a plea bargain position, which was as very bad decision I took from my attorney idea while he had all compelling evidence I was lied on/framed setup, and was charged with a misdemeanor (cpo) violation never happen , I was at work and had evidence, fiuled notice of alibi, not a felony. But my job at a college campus as a security officer of 7 years was terminateds do to the out come of my hearing , by campus police chief, yet he admitted there was nothing in the employee hand book that supports his decision to fire me, yet he said he is taking it upon himself to fire me, due to a personal court hearing , that had nothing to do with my job. !!! Did he have the right to fired me ??? Can I get my job back ?

Answer #1

If he stated he had no grounds to fire you but did so anyway, then he made it personal and he can’t do that.

Call the labour board.

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