Can I avoid gall bladder surgery if I watch what I eat?

Can I avoid gall bladder surgery if I watch what I eat?

Answer #1

To improve gall bladder problems, we must improve the quality of the bile, by improving the liver function. The majority of gallstones stay in the gallbladder and cause no symptoms. However, if a stone moves it may obstruct the neck of the gall bladder or common bile duct giving rise to severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen.

A stone in the common bile duct will frequently cause jaundice. Jaundice is a condition in which the skin and the eyes become yellow due to accumulated bile pigment.

Even if you don’t have gallstones, your gall bladder can be dysfunctional. It may not be working well, or it may be producing a thickened secretion called sludge; in either case, you may have symptoms, Chronic obstruction of the bile duct can lead to infection, problems with the pancreas, liver, and small intestine, and cancer of the gall bladder and bile duct.

General Recommendations

Diet: Because gall bladder disease is more frequent in overweight people, weight reduction is important. If you reduce your intake of fats, fried foods, and sugar, and increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber, you can alleviate and reverse gall bladder disease. However, very low-fat diets (less than 10 percent of calories from far) can also cause gall­ stones, and you should avoid them. Moderate consumption of olive oil is also beneficial in reversing this condition; use it preferentially when you cook. Drinking coffee has been shown to prevent symptoms of gallstones, but it doesn’t prevent the gallstones themselves.

Answer #2

no my mom had gall bladder surgery and the surgery went succesfully she sok but if you dont do anything bout it it culd get infected and you culd die from it. the stomach is a very serious part in the human body so go to your doctor fast.

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