Can I get pregnant?

Well I had sex for the first time and we didn’t use a condom. I didn’t bleed but after we had sex my legs were hurting for like 30 minutes. So basically what Im asking iz…Can I get pregnant? What are my possibilites of getting pregnant?

Answer #1

next tim use a condom hun especially if you dont want to get pregnant. a man can not be “empty” so dont let him tell you he is. and it is just as enjoyable maybe even more if you do use a condom. because you would no that your chances of getting pregnant/ getting stds are lower. there is a high chance you could be pregnant but if you arent you got really lucky and dont let the man tell you hell “pull out” because that doesnt always work either. next time be safe and use a condom with some spermicide to go with it. I would suggest a female condom they are said to work a lot better. if your legs are hurting that could have been the position(s) you were in like muscles being pulled or w.e but thatt doesnt mean you are pregnant you should check in about a week that will be the best time. if you miss your period wait like 2 days after and if you still dont have it check. hope I helped and good luck… ~kaitlyn~

Answer #2

*sigh YES! you can get pregnant! Now stop having unprotected sex!

Answer #3

You are a perfect example why so many teens get pregnant & STDs>IGNORANCY!! The teen years must be for growing up, education, and having fun – not pregnancy and parenthood!

Answer #4

If you had sex within the past 72 hours, get a friend over 18 to buy you the morning after pill. NEVER EVER EVER have unprotected sex again until you are ready to become a parent.

Answer #5

firstly…uhh…y didnt you use protection??? secondly if your 13…dont you think your too young to be having sex.? and thirdly make sure you take a pregnancy test to be sure

and if you do turn out to be pregnant… I guess u’ll never forget to use protection next time

Answer #6

okay, your thirteen right? so uve problly hit puberty. god, and you ddnt use a condom and your not on the pill!!! truth is your chances are hi. sry. get a pregnancy test.

Answer #7

Um, quit telling her to stop having unprotected sex and tell her to not have sex at all. And I’m sorry to say this(not really), but this question was retarded. Did you think if you had sex with a condom you were going to get pregnant instead? Have fun being pregnant if you are and I hope so. It would teach you a grave lesson, though it would suck for your kid. Oh well, that’s just more on your conscious.

Answer #8

oh my god! if you are thirteen your an idiot for having sex. why would you want to go throught that pain at you age?? and if you are not using a condom yo better e sure your ready to be a parent Oh my hell! what is with this world and sex?! if you find out you are not pregnant the dont ever have sex again! I dont care if you use protection next time, there still is that little risk

Answer #9

If you had unprotecte sex,your likliness of being pregnant is very high. Even if he did not ejaculate in your vagina,”precum” contains sperm. Your legs hurting has nothing to do with your being pregnant,thats porbably just a sie affect of laying in whatver position you were in for so long.

I guess the safest thing to do would be to take a home pegnancy test in a few weeks,or just wait for your next period to come.

Answer #10

Wait… how old are you? people are saying your thirteen. is that true???

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