Calling all musicians!

This question is for musicians only because,well,maybe youll understand this My question is: should I be guilty for practicing so little time because I feel like im im lying when I call myself a musician when I dont know any cords or anything (just my own style, or thats what I call it) And…is casual singing considered ‘practicing’ if you arent really paying attention to the tones and stuff?

Parden my grammer but ironically im paying attention to singing right now By the way I practice(though without full attention) wit guitar+singing from like 5-8 on weekdays (more on non-school nights)

Awfully said I know but bear with me here :/

Answer #1

you can call yourself a musician, its jsut your own talent that suffers from your lack of practice, I call myself a saxaphonist, even though my major is flute, and I havent touched a sax for a year

Answer #2

The purpose of lessons are only to provide you with the frame work you’ll need to make quality music. The style you develop is distinctly your own. For me, I play drums, I had a small amount of lessons and the rest I figured out through playing by myself for hours on end listening to song after song through my headphones and then tried to duplicate the drums. Some people just take to an instrument easily and others have to work hard to master their craft. After 22yrs of playing just about every kind of music genre, I found that if you stick with it you’ll get out of your instrument what you put into it.

Answer #3

There are many musicians who don’t have formal training, so don’t sell yourself short! I’ve worked in recording sessions with classically trained musicians who can read music and play something correctly the first time without hearing it. I’ve worked with pop drummers and guitarists who can’t read a note, but who can lay down a track within 30 mins. They can also be a lot more flexible than the ones who are reading a score and suddenly being asked to transpose everything by a 5th.

Having said that, why not pursue music a little more and learn to read it, study theory, your ear is good, but with traning it can get better. What if you love it and it becomes your passion?

Answer #4

Yea of course your still a musician :) I played the piano for almost 7 years but havent played in about a year =O

Answer #5

I personally wouldnt call you a musician if you dont know chords or anything. if icalled my cousin a musician because he can play his “style” (which is strumming horribly and playing things that would make people’s ears bleed) it would be a lie.

look up some online lessons, learn the notes of the guitar, learn a few chords and there ya go. youre a musician.

like everyone else said too. many good guitar players had little or no formal lessons. I know a handful of people who were self taught and are amazing.

Answer #6

I don’t think that formal lessons are always needed but I do believe that practice makes the difference.

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