Is this too much caffeine?

if everyday I have 80 milligrams from an energy drink of caffeine and then a cup of coffee in hte morning and night is it bad? I mean besides the calories and stuff is that too much for a 13 year old girl? and if so what are healthy ways to get mroe energy for school and at night for homework? cause I’ve been doing this for a while and I kind of depend on hte enrgy boost or I get really tired and end up falling asleep in class.

Answer #1

that is too much. if you carry on like that, your body will become reliant on the caffeine, much like smokers bodys begin to rely on nicotine. because youve been doin this for a while, you need to drink less and less amounts SLOWLY before stopping drinking that much completely. to get more energy, try going to sleep at regular times, and getting nine hours at least of sleep a night. also, have a good breakfast, with an fruit juice. have 3 set meals a day. eat plenty of fruit, the natural sugar is good for you and will help keep you awake. carbohydrates like pasta rice and bread provide better energy than any sugars and will keep you going throughout the day. to get quick fix energy, try fruit or a small amount of chocolate, but make sure its dark chocolate, as white will make you more tired. hope this helps, will

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