buying shares for microsoft... need advice asap

hello I am thinking of buying some shares for microsoft and I was wondering how does it work do I buy one share and what happens do I get money or anything or do I have to invest or.. if someone could give me advice on how it work that wud b awsum thx

Answer #1

Basically you would not want to buy 1 share as there is a handling fee from whichever company or bank you use to purchase them.

For instance I use HSBC as my bank account is with them so I also have a shares account with them and can do it all online ect.

You do get money from shares in the form of Dividens these are paid out based on how well the company has done in the last say financial year.

Generally you dont get a lot of money from dividens unless you hold a fair amount of shares within a company.

Microsoft is a safe bet to buy shares in as its not likely they shall ever slump too far but I also doubt without some major break through they will ever shoot through the roof either.

Now though is a good time to buy with the global economy being low and shares prices have plumited, personally if your going to buy you want to buy big to even make it worth while though.

Hope that helps a little

Answer #2

Shares cost a certain amount per share, depending on whether the economies good and what business your taking shares in. Right now- I wouldnt bet my money on any business as so many are going bust! Buy when they’regoing up, not going down.

Answer #3

My fee for me to purchase shares through my account by the way is £12.50 english pounds and the re-sale value of a share is always slightly less than the current buying value

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