What do I buy my mother?

I keep looking at Tiffany and Co. I want to buy her something from there, but at the same time I don’t want to get her something from there and she not like it because that stuff is hella expensive. I want to buy her something that she’ll love forever. Though she’ll have to wait a nearly a year (until I get a job) for the gift + spa treatment I’ve been going on about since I was 9. :3

Answer #1

Well here’s an idea, since she won’t be gettin it for a while, take her to the store/website and act like your just browsing and find out which thing she really likes. Good luck :-)

Answer #2

Thank you that’s smart le sigh if I only I could drive though xD

Answer #3

Welcome, maybe you could window shop online and get an idea of what she might want

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