Why does it hurt when I pee?

I know the title looks like I have a STD but I’ve only had sex with my boyfriend, & we`ve been dating for almost a year. He came inside me, & I went to the bathroom after, because I had to pee, & my vagina area burned so bad even when only a few drops of pee came out. & it hurt for about an hour after, now its fine though. Why is that?

Answer #1

Reference: Frank Zappa, “Why Does It Hurt When I Pee” from the album release “Joe’s Garage”

Answer #2

You might have a bladder infection. Drink tons of water so it can flush through your sytem, stop drinking anything with caffeine in it, and see if the symptoms clear up. If you keep thinking you have to pee, and it burns when you do, then go to your doctor for an antibiotic. (be aware that antibiotics can cause yeast infections… ther’es not much you can do about that exept be prepared for an antifungal treatment afterwards… lol.

Bladder infections are very common when someone just starts having sex (and a lot of it) Have you heard of Honeymoon Cystitis? LOL, that’s how common it is. It really helps if you pee after sex.

Answer #3

I s it life threatening\?

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