Can anyone tell me how I can, like, get a bunch of chicks and stuff?

Hehe, hehe, you see I’m 16, and I don’t do much work on my job at Burger World, I just like too sit on the couch all day and watch TV, a lot of times I skip school, and I never study for tests because studing sucks. So I was just like wondering, hehe, hehe, how I can make tons of money without having to work, hehe, hehe.

Answer #1

First of all … get rid of the phrase “a bunch of chicks and stuff”. Girls are not toys, they are not “stuff” … lack of respect for the opposite gender will certainly ensure that you never get the chance to pack away your matchbox cars and start dating.

Answer #2

well first off you learn some manners, we are human beings, not some prize or object. second stop being a lazy bum & get out of the house. third you can’t “make tons of money without work” that’s extremely unreasonable & your suppose to put effort into getting what you want. common sense kiddo.

Answer #3

uh, I gotta take a poop.

Answer #4

Have you ever heard of “get what you need first, then what you want”? ladies aren’t attracted to guys that have a bad personality. So far, the title tells your personality over girls. Secondly, a girl would likely want a supporter not a downer who does nothing. There is no one in the world who does nothing and get paid for it as a job but people who are begging in the streets. Skipping school is major issue unless you are sick and something important is happening such as a wedding or funeral in your family or friend. Watching TV would get you out of shape. The shape of the guy is like a bonus cherry on a cake. The body of the cake is the personality and the cherry is the extra. A girl can’t get full with just a cherry, so build your personality.

Answer #5

Yeah, well me and Butthead don’t do work, hehe, hehe.

Answer #6

Yeah, well … if you want to be a Butthead, continue with your offensive posts and I’ll see to it that you get removed from this site.

Answer #7

one: you make lots of money without working? what to you do sell dr8gs? two: we are women not chicks! look the word up in a dictionary a chick is a baby chicken. Three:you all but named off everything a girl is NOT looking for.

You have alot of growing up to do and realizations to make. It takes WORK to be successful in life!

Answer #8

You know what, just by reading your post shows how little you really know about life in general! How little manners & respect you even have for yourself…How you absolutely know nothing…why? you start off asking about how to get “chicks & stuff” as if they were your property, who the hell would possibly want to give you the time of day with that attitude…After reading your post you want to know how to make money without lifting a damn finger…HOW LAME! Dont you know yet that the easy way to get money is the easy way to land you in Ja!l…oh wait, I guess you were too h!gh in class when they spoke it about on career’s day! You say studying sucks, I say you suck…only one with a real head on their shoulders can comprehend how much an education can help them achieve their goals in life… You want money…there is no easy way…ask Tupak Shakur or Biggie…oh wait they are gone…they thought all their fame & power could keep them alive…easy cash slanging maybe, but got themselves k!lled in the process…so much for their easy ways easy money & cutting corners! Grow up & get a life…before you wind up in some lifeless ditch or behind bars with your smart @ss remarks!

Answer #9

LOL, you guys seriously I mean this? Dammit, I imatiating Beavis and Butthead! I guess you don’t watch the show, so thats why you didn’t get what I was doing.

Answer #10

What do we see this as? We see it as you attempting to be amusing … well, you’re not. If you have nothing better to do than post nonsense on our question board, let me know and I’ll happily relieve you of your burden.

Answer #11

is that the way u ask it bro?:|

Answer #12

You could, of course, go to a farming trade fair and buy your chicks there. Of course you will also need some older chickens and a rooster to make the family complete. You will need a stable for them, too.

And please be aware that there is quite some work in caring for young animals. Also, you will hardly be able to finance a lazy life with raising chicks, unless you do it in industrial dimensions. Most farmers are not rich these days.

Answer #13

Sorry people, I just had to post that. (Religious reasons)

Answer #14

k, first off the way you talk, and your lack of respect and lazyiness is def not attractive. and girls don’t think it’s hot when a guy does not care about school work and is STUPID and has no clue about reality. you will get no where without school, without a job, and without respect.. either just go to sleep and dream of it all, OR gain some knowledge and change!

Answer #15

it’s awesome, it totally got me rolling…(meaning I couldnt stop laughing) :)

Answer #16

hahahhaah xD awesome xD couldnt stop laughing either :P

Answer #17

Ther u go! :D

Answer #18

Remember the whole hehe versus lol thing? Bahaha!

Answer #19

one be cool two let them come to u and if u have to ask do it it in a cool way

Answer #20

I find this offense. We are not property.

Answer #21

this totally deserve a thunbs up!

Answer #22

You go girl, Colleen!

Answer #23

Ohhh, He’s acting like Beevus from Beevus and Butthead.

Answer #24

remind me to never call you my bird lol

Answer #25

FYI!.We are called girls.Not stuff.>:( You should say girls that will catch more attention.:/It affends us that cares so take it off or say girls.>:(

Answer #26

ur bird..?! lmfao…

Answer #27
  1. Learn to respect women.
  2. Actually work in school and stop being a lazy slob.
  3. get a b etter attitude.
Answer #28

Very true

Answer #29


Answer #30

Yep … and that’s a habit nobody should get into. That show needs to be outlawed ;)

Answer #31

i agree with colleen, girls should not be disrespected like the way you have used that phrase ‘a bunch of chicks and stuff’. treat a girl like a princess and she will always come running, treat them mean keep them keen isnt true sometimes, be too rough and youll scare them away!

Answer #32

Our behavior is largely guided by biological urges. We have the urge to survive which evolution guides us to be lazy; we want to get by exerting as little energy as possible since historically food (energy) has usually been scarce. We also have a biological imperative to procreate. This leads men and women on different paths. Men have almost unlimited reproductive potential (we make millions of sperm every day). This makes male’s best reproductive strategy to spread their seed as far and wide as possible. Women have far more limited reproductive potential; they can only get pregnant so many times in a lifetime. Women’s best reproductive strategy is to mate with the most successful men to give their offspring the best odds of success. With regards to mating men go for quantity while women go for quality. Marriage is a truce between men and women. Men agree not to spread their seed to other women while women agree not to trade up if a more promising male becomes available. OK. You have the first biological imperative of surviving while conserving as much energy as possible down. Do you just want to survive though? If you want to address your second biological imperative and mate you are going to have to get off your arse. Since women seek quality and you have little to offer you will usually get beat out by more promising males. You compete with men who have more money and ambition so who do you think women will choose?

Answer #33

In order to get you a bunch of chicks and stuff there are known fact to this matter.

  1. is to become a sellout and act like that bitch or bitches is everything in the world to you. 2.Keep it 100% truthful and the bitches will recognize after they hate on you and they will come running to you…
Answer #34

^ wow, ur ‘special’ GET A LIFE!

Answer #35

You want to have a group of females around you all of the time. Learn to communicate like a girl (woman). Women like to communicate, that is how they get in touch with their feelings and reality. Develop that and all the guys will wonder what is your secrete.

Answer #36

The last guy that called me ‘his chick’ got a slap and a knee in the balls so its not suggested to call us that

Answer #37

be yourself…go up and talk to them….girls love guys who are confident and who can also make them laugh

Answer #38

ive only just got this :S

yes, you yanks say chick but we say bird..

ive never been able to understand why america changed bird which is a fully grow bird [a woman] to an underage bird, a chick :S

Answer #39

firstly, they are not “chicks and stuff” they are people with names, treat a girl with respect, learn some manners, like holding doors open for her etc, never disrespect her or put your hands on her, be respectful and courteous and that will get you a long way, respect goes both ways you have to give it to earn it, if a girl sees you are kind and respectful she will be more inclinedto talk to you but always call her by her name don’t call her chick that’s plain rude

Answer #40

firstly, they are not “chicks and stuff” they are people with names, treat a girl with respect, learn some manners, like holding doors open for her etc, never disrespect her or put your hands on her, be respectful and courteous and that will get you a long way, respect goes both ways you have to give it to earn it, if a girl sees you are kind and respectful she will be more inclined to talk to you but always call her by her name don’t call her chick that’s plain rude

Answer #41

Well what you needa do is find 1 specific girl you like then post this again but until then you gon be alone becuz ur tryin to b a player n girls hate that……And if thats what all your lil friends do or try to do then they gon be lonly in a short amout of time just you wait……

Answer #42

Well what you needa do is find 1 specific girl you like then post this again but until then you gon be alone becuz ur tryin to b a player n girls hate that……And if thats what all your lil friends do or try to do then they gon be lonly in a short amout of time just you wait……

Answer #43

Sorry this just popped up so its a tad late…So you want me to remind you not to call me your chick…is that correct?! lmfao So what do you wish to call me then? :P

Answer #44

but you are a bird lol

Answer #45
  1. Respect.
  2. Attitude to girls.
  3. Maybe some growing up.
  4. Talking to them.
  5. Not being a jerk to them.
  6. Acting your age.
  7. If someone is teasing them, stand up for them.
  8. Use words like beautiful, pretty, instead of hot or sexy.
  9. Instead of calling females chicks, call them girls or women.
  10. Be yourself.
  11. Don’t try and just get in their pants.
  12. Show you care.
  13. Do not ever use girls, or cheat.

Personaly i really advise you to rethink your words next time. How would you like it if girls went around saying “How can i get a bunch of dudes and stuff to like me???”

Answer #46

maybe you should grow up and actually act like a man instead of a worthless little boy? i think that sounds like a good idea.

Answer #47

maybe you should grow up and actually act like a man instead of a worthless little boy? i think that sounds like a good idea.

Answer #48

first thing would be to get rid of that phrase. women/girls aren’t objects, or just things, they’re people, with feelings. opinions. you need to lose that attitude in your question name, and then take it from there.

Answer #49

FYI dude . Yu have to be cute and have nice clothes and yu have to be popular. Thats the only way ur goin to get “A bunch of chicks and stuff”

Answer #50

What a troll. Hahahaha

Answer #51

ok heres the thing im a 14 year old boy and just find you post sad first of all stop calling them chicks respect them also change ur style if u look cheap or bad and take showers(if you dont P.S dont take all i say in a bad way there suggestions due to the fact i dont know you) more often lol i dont know how old you are but if u do go to bars try dressing depending on nwhat girls u want if your goin to a club wearing a suit is not gonna work and also never ever wear a stupid t-shirt like im a chick magnet or virgin -__- and not like a slob so they would at least look at you with no ew as there first impression also learn to talk to them and dont look desprate so dont start ur conversation with:your hot! that is not good also dont start with a stupid corny pickup line i have more anyways hopw the begining helped

Answer #52

Obvious troll is obvious.

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