How to build up my credit?

So i pay bills but non of them are in my name what are some ways i can build up my credit besides paying off my debte bc i only owe like 383 for my old phone bill thts what caused it so after i pay tht off how else can i build it up i was thinking One magize subscribion or sumthing like tht please help i wanna start on this so wen i move out of my parents i know not to do it again.

Answer #1

The first thing you haould do is pay off any debts you may have. After you may want to get like a “security credit card” with your bank… They require a deposit of the allowed balance amount. Its a really great way to learn how to be responsible and build your credit before you go to the major credit cards. Also make sure you pay the debt off. right now in this financial crisis you may want to check into their credit card insurance policy (usually its 10-15 % of your spent balance) it covers you just in case you become unemployed or unable to pay. Its great option. Many people do not even look into it … but you never know what can happen tomorrow.

Answer #2

Best thing that you can do is to see what you owe and see if you can pay that, and if its a big amount meaby you can figure out a way to do it in small montly payments. Also once you have enough credit get a credit card or a debit card. When it comes to the credit card, try to use it as less as possible this way your not risking over using it and also your getting good credit. When it comes to a debit card out small amounts of money, just in case anathing where to happen you dont end up loosing money, and again your building credit.

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