How to help my stepbrother?

when you have a step brother trying to take pills , stay up all nite long, and wont listen to anybody what should I do?

Answer #1

Parents, minister, competent adult - intervene before he gets too far down the road of destructive behavour…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

Dear lilmisshordy, Helping someone with addictions carries a lot of responsibilities. If you truly want to help speak with your parents and let them deal with it. Your brother knows what he is doing is wrong and could end up with his death. Your parents must be told so that they can do what parents are supposed to do. Just be there for him, but do let him know it’s not something you support. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

let me guess aderal? your his sister, you would have more influence over him than your parents, you need to figure somethin out. because thats how it starts off, you start light and gradually build up a tollerence. you don’t stop him now I guarantee a couple years down the road he’s going to get into the heavy stuff. you don’t f*ck with pills, my best friend Overdosed my senior year, rest in peace Stump, see you soon

Answer #4

Let your parents deal with him. He isn’t your responsibility.

Answer #5

y is he trying? or is he doing it like getting trying to get tweaked?

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