Broken collar bone

Hello everyone. How long can you not have sex for if you have a broken coller bone? And how long do you think it will heal if you rest it all the time?

Answer #1

That is something he needs to discuss with his doctor. No one here has the right to tell you what he can do, and what he cant do! Sex isnt the only thing to do with your partner. He should stay active as possible, like maybe go for walks. My aunt broke her collar bone along time ago, and it usually takes a good 2 mos. to fully heal.

Answer #2

ummm just be patient, I broke my collar bone a few months ago and even just trying to hug hurt so bad but yeah if he keeps takin the pain killers it shouldn’t hurt at all after like 6 weeks good luck! :]

Answer #3

he has a sling and we cant cuddle at all. I just want him better. if he takes the pain killers everyday for weeks will that help him get bette?

Answer #4

u could still have sex but what do mean whilst your recovering just watch movies or sumthing

Answer #5

um well your coller bone is on your upper hal of your body im sure you can have sex with a broken coller bone if you go slow and your in the missionary position but be careful

Answer #6

looking after him is really bad as I got my problems and his on my shoulders

Answer #7

what can I do to spead the time the time to recoverying?

Answer #8

we have sex without hurting him but I just go on top

Answer #9

how can I help him get better a bit more quicker as when can he not use his sling?

Answer #10

me and my boyfriend now had painfree sex I dont know how but we do so just hope it wont take that long thats what I did good luck to u

Answer #11

yeah princesstink I am having the same problem. my boyfriend broke his too and his doctor told him it would be six weeks. but after reading peoples saying it would take months I don’t know about that.

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