What's wrong with Britney Spears?

Do you think is wrong with Britney Spears?

Answer #1

Latest rumors have it - multiple personality or a form of bi-polar - she needs our prayers.

Answer #2

1/31/08 - TMZ.com is reporting:

Sources at UCLA Medical Center tell TMZ Britney Spears has been classified as “G.D.” – Gravely Disabled. That is a huge and dangerous deal. That means the patient is unable to take care of basic needs, such as the acquisition of food, clothing or shelter. Being G.D. is one of the criteria for involuntary commitment.

Several health care professionals tell us Britney has fallen into a “manic state” due to her bipolar disorder. We’re also told she arrived at the hospital this morning at around 2:15 AM, but wasn’t admitted until 4:15 AM because she was causing such a scene in the hospital.

Answer #3

Britney way back was manufactured by a bunch of adults and maybe even the mother. If you remember some of her early videos and songs she did, at the time she was very, very young to portray this somewhat of a sex symbol ( to sell records) She was pushed out in the public to do this..I know she may have liked it however she still had an industry behind her demanding (in their own polite way) that she keep generating record sales, sold out shows etc..This happens all the time..I know she could be better and a good mom etc.. But this is what happens when you take a child and use them as a money machine. The risks are extremely high for her. She missed out on maturing in so many ways..missed out on developing in so many ways..It is ashame how we can let a kid down. In my opinion what we see in Britney Spears is a mere expression of adults that put money and fame over the fact that a kid must be first…Not say “kids first” actually do whatever you have to..Even if it means taking her out of the spotlight to grow up and mature. If we could only learn from this..but we as parents or corporations have to really care not just say we care. Right now this is trying to be accomplished with the Naked brothers band..just watch how the adult around those kids are going to try and squeeze every once of everything out of those kids. Familycoach

Answer #4

Frankly, she used to be a really good singer, and I used to like her old stuff… now, something went wrong, and she became a retarded drunken slut who only cares for herself! I don’t know what happened, but she needs to shapen up or she’s screwed… I really feel bad about her kids

Answer #5

I hate how people target celebrities like this, honestly, why do you care? Its her life, leave her alone. I’m not trying to be rude but… everyone has their moments and you don’t know what its like to be her. So, focus on you, not her.

Answer #6

She’s going through a rough patch, just like all celebrities that start as children. I actually like her new stuff :| LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!

Answer #7

People care because of her children, thats why. She put herself into the spotlight, she takes the public’s money, she shows up where she knows the paparazzi will be. The girl wants attention, and she needs the right kind of attention (like rehab) before it’s too late. She’s a sweet girl that took a wrong turn.

Answer #8


Answer #9

she needa b and tha nutthouse

Answer #10

she’s insane

Answer #11

She has mine.

Answer #12

if I wuz followed an bothered as mch by the paparazzi as she is, id b crazy too

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