How can I be strong and get over this break up?

hey people well me and ma man just recently broke up last week on thursday and im still hurtin because we were 2getha fo a year n 2 1/2 mths. and da thing that suxs is that I c him in skoo what do I have to do to get over him and be strong

Answer #1

remember you are a special person and love yourself whether someone else does or not there are lots of other guys out there so don’t give up just because one relationship didn’t work out you will date again when you are ready and keep yourself busy until then

Answer #2

It really just takes time. Some say time won’t heal anything, so perhaps you should try something new and exciting in your life! Do you work? Maybe find a job somewhere like at a music store or something that might interest you, depending on how old you are. Hang out with your girls! They’ll always have your back and will help you through the hard times. Also, remember the reasons for why you guys broke up. Something bad must have happened if you had been together that long. You can be strong!! Show him up!

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