What are "all bran" cereals?

is honey bunches of oats one of them? i am constipated and my doc. said to eat all bran cereals..??

Answer #1

They’re cereals that contain bran. These are cereals like All Bran Wheat Bran Flakes and Raisin Bran. Read the ingredients list - there is no bran in Honey Bunches of oats.

Answer #2

“All bran” products have a very high level of solid “dietary fibre”, sometimes referred to as “roughage”. The dietary fibre, is not digested (it has zero calorie content) but it travels through the digestive system and breaks up the contents of the intestines so that it becomes more like a soft and easily moved, malleable paste . ….. rather than something like a stubbornly firm and virtually immoveable lump of contorted salami. . Kellogg’s All Bran has 29 grams of dietary fibre in a 100 grams (typical small breakfast) serving: http://funadvice.com/r/15mnq2dc042 . Compare that to: Kellogg’s Honey Crunch Cornflakes that only has 3 grams of dietary fibre in a 100 gram serving: http://funadvice.com/r/bp3e4o5oer2 . ….. The All Bran product has about 10 times more dietary fibre than the Honey Crunch product. . If you are looking for a product to use as an alternative to the genuine “All Bran” formulations, you should check on the Nutritional Information to ensure that the Dietary Fibre is in a similar range to that of the All Bran - I would suggest that anything under 15 grams fibre to a 100 gram serving is probably not suitable at least in the first instance of trying to relieve your symptoms. .

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