Braces yikes!

Ok I just went to the dentist a few days ago and they said I needed braces I have never had them be4 so I was wondering if they hurt?

Answer #1

they don’t hurt when they put them on .. but they hurt for the first couple of days because they are shifting into place. but you get used to it and dont feel it anymore .. but when you go back every couple of months and they tighten them it will hurt for like a day again


Answer #2

yes. in the begginning they hurt. I aint going to lie to you to make it seem better. they kill… but you soon get used to them.

Answer #3

Yeahh they dont hurt when you put them on but after that they start to soar real bad…I have braces…they tell you to not eat caremel and stuff but I do it me caremel doesnt get stuck=)…its fun to choose what color braces to get though…

Answer #4

They hurt for a few days and then after that they don’t. Unless you have to have special appliances like I did. After each appointment they will just be a little sore for a couple days. Its not as bad as you might think. :)

Answer #5

Braces are painful for the first month. After that when they tighten them they dont hurt too bad. And your mouth adjusts to them. Its kinda cool. For me, food and stuff only got caught in them for about 2 weeks. Then your lips and stuff adjust so food doesnt get stuck in them. I just got mine off like…4 months ago. Just make sure to wear rubber bands when they tell you, as annoying as they are. Youll get them off WAYYY faster. And if you dont wear them your orthodontist has the right to remove them if your teeth wont move anymore. Oh, and dont eat caramel. Stay away from that. Gum is ok…just not a ton of it. And when you get your braces off…WEAR YOUR RETAINERS CONSTANTLY!! Otherwise, your teeth will move back and youll need braces all over again. Trust me, haha it happened to me. Good luck! If you have any more questions, just ask.

Answer #6

well it depends. wire or invisalign?

I have invisalign and I love it. they do hurt because your teeth are moving. but that inevitable. but with invisalign, you dont have to worry about wire and looking weird. lol. but you do have to take them out when you eat and chew gum.

but with whatever you get, the pay off of beautiful teeth will be amazing!

Answer #7

it dosent hurt to get on but a couple houres it will slowly start to hurt more

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