Braces and snakebite piercings?

Is it true that something bad could happen if you get snakebite piercings after you get braces?

Answer #1

It is possible snakebites can damage teeth and/or gums - braces are not cheap - not worth the risk.

Answer #2

Yeah. I’d wait. I have braces and like I had a fake lip ring to see what it would look like, and it like always got caught on the braces and like broke the wire :(

So yeah, I’m waiting for mine to come off, to get them, but the good thing is is like it comes of in a month :D

Answer #3

probably just get caught on eachother. but dont do it. wait till you get your braces off. otherwise it’s to much metal around your face and it wont look good.

Answer #4

The piercings could get caught on the braces; I think any orthodontist would suggest against having this done, even if you don’t have braces. Piercings on your lip (and tongue - I used to have one) damage your tooth enamel

Answer #5

yes., its best to get them after you have your braces taken out they can easily get caught on the braces which can rip them or tear them out which can lead to infection,, longer healing time, and even deforming your lip if its bad enough and food particles are more likley to get stuck in them, leading to infection and also longer healing time just wait braces are expensive, anso first concerntrate on fixing your teeth then once there done you can get your lip peirced

Answer #6

The rings could get stuck in your braces. It would hurt to get them out to.

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