Why do some boys laugh at me?

I dunno. but sometimes at school and at restaraunts when they see me they laugh. Am i ugly or something? look at my pic to tell me wat u think.

Answer #1

maybe they like you, you do something funny or they think something about you is funny. it could even be they’re laughing at someone/something near you and it looks like they’re laughing at you; are you usually with someone? they could be laughing at them or if you dress or wear your hair in an odd way that could be the reason. there’s many reasons, maybe try asking them what they’re laughing at?

Answer #2

I dont thinnk your ugly, your 15 dont care what others think, either they are immature or trying to act “mature” and “Cool” when infact they dont.

just ignore them as its really not worth it.

Well i was told when boys tease u or STH like that, it really means they like u :P weither not thats ture or not is another story but when i was younger I like to believe so to at least boost my selfeesteem :) as long as ur happy with ur self that is ALL THAT MATTERS…..and all u need to do is hold ur head up high and SMILE

Answer #3

Yeah,you should just ignore them.I looked at your pictures and you are definitely a cute girl and you shouldnt get bothered by people like that. :)

Answer #4

ask them… but they might be laughing because they might know some one who likes you. or they might be the person who likes you so they giggle. but i dont see why they would laugh at you for any other reason:)

Answer #5

You’re a very pretty girl, don’t ever think or let someone tell you otherwise. There could be a number of reasons they’d laugh. Perhaps they like you, or are trying to get your attention. Perhaps they weren’t really laughing at you and it just seemed that way. Many many many reasons.

Answer #6

You humor them.

Answer #7

Some boys laugh because they like you other boys laugh because they are imature. If they laugh at you just act like you don’t care. Don’t act stuck up and snobby though. Stay true to who you are and don’t let any one change you. :)

Answer #8

maybe you just think they are so you got it wrapped up in your head they are laughing at you?

Answer #9

My bet, they laugh simply because they know you think that they’re laughing AT you. They simply want a reaction.

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