
Heres the Thiing in the past my boyfriends have all been C**Ts to me lol :( and I’ve been with this boy for nearly 4 months and he did cheat on one girl like before we were together. I lost my V to hiim a couple of months ago. but im rlii worried that he might cheat on me or go off of me :S Or hes just usin me to do stuff like my ex was he ended it when I said no to losin it to hiim. is there anything I can do to find out if he does rlii still like me ?x pleasee help (:

Answer #1

omg I totally agree. ^^

people dont know how your feeling or how much you love someone and they always say you deserve better just forget about him. but thats so stupid if you wanna be with that person.I say follow your heart, dont leave someone if you want to be with them no matter what anyone else says. anyways id help but im a little confused on if you like your boyfriend or your ex. your ex dumped you for a really stupid reason, I dont think he really likes you or wants to be with you if he cares about sex that much. on your current boyfriend, just cause he cheated before doesnt mean he will on you.

Answer #2

hmmm.. well you should’ve fort about this before you lost it to him.. I guess you will need to speak to him and tell him how you feel and see what happens

Answer #3

why would you even want to get back with him? he made it clear what he was dating you for and when he didnt get it he left and about your current guy I might wonder too since he has cheated before but if it was just one time thing then maybe he has learned from his past and wont do it again

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