Boyfriend wants todo so much more then iam ready to

ok so. we had been dating for 3 months then broke up because he was in football and I am a figure skater so we never really had time. but he had fingered me and I had given him a H/j we got back together 2 weeks ago and he wants to jump right back into where we had been in our relation ship before. but I dont. Over our break I learned that I didnt want to take things fast. How do I tell him that with out being a b*h? help me please. iam really lost here.

Answer #1

Tell to F off or wait, trust me there are guys out there who will. Don’t let some little boy take advantage of you

Answer #2

if he doesn’t respect you enough to wait then he’s only in it for one thing… I know its hard, but tell him you don’t want to go further. if he can’t wait then drop him before you make a mistake

Answer #3

thanks guys!

Answer #4

that doesnt make you a b*h, tats being ridiculous. A real man doesnt pressure his girlfriend into things, if he is worth keeping he will let things go at what ever pace you want them too. If you want to take it slow he will understand and you will take it slow, if he isnt prepared to dot hat, then dump him, he isnt worth it.

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