boyfriend stuff

I have a cousin that has been going out with a guy for a year he looks like hes really sweet and like he loves and cares for her, I heard them talking by accident and he was telling her that he wants to marry her one day and be togeather forever but they are only 17 years old. They sounded very sure that in the future they will get married and they were even discusiing finishing college and starting to save money for the future. What advice do you think I could give her ?

Answer #1

Well… Don’t say anything about it unless she asks you about it because you said you accidentally heard them so she may not know. When you have been dating someone for a year is very common to want to be with them forever… does it ever happen, sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with talking like that about the future, its completely normal, especially amongst teens.

Answer #2

Well if they love each other they love each other. They should wait before they actually get married. You know save money and all. I know people younger than 17 that are engaged…and that has or will have kids and is in horrible shape becauase they didn’t have enough money. So the big thing is to have some money saved up!

Answer #3

If she loves him then their is no advice. If you find your sole mate then you got lucky. I already have a girl I want to marry and spend my life with.

Answer #4

I was in the same situation. not yours, your sisters. Except I was 14, and my husband was 18. we were in love, and became engaged. everyone thought we were crazy, and thought that we wouldnt make it, and we proved them wrong. there is no advice to be given, just let her follow her heart. if this is what she really wants, then maybe itll work out for her like it did for me.

if she does bring it up, and wants an opinion, dont hold back. tell her exactly what you think, your concerns or worries if any.

other then that, just let them do what they want :]

Answer #5

im 18 years old and I just got married to a 22 year old who is almost finished with college and im just about to start my advice would be even if he pops the question tell them to wait because its no picnic being in debt after paying for a wedding and honeymoon!! tell her to wait until after college!! now I love my husband dearly but expenses when cause depression and thats not what a relationship need!! tell herto wait until there financially albe to get married before they jump into it!!

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