My boyfriend and his pet names for me

When me and my boyfriend first started dating he would call me babe and that’s it. Then he started calling me dear or honey and now he’s started calling me his love. So I’m wondering is this his way of showing me that he cares more for me or he could potentially love me or is this his way of making a circle of pet names for me so that it doesn’t get old with him calling me the same thing all the time.

Answer #1

Very difficult to tell, but generally a progression of hypocorisms (pet-names) like that is going to be indicative of changes in his feelings for you. Babe is usually used casually and is popular between boyfriends and girlfriends - it’s more of a ‘fun’ term. ‘Dear’ and ‘honey’ are hypocorisms I use sparingly when I feel close to someone, and these words carry connotations of the relationship being more serious. Many married couples use those words. ‘My love’ is a more romantic one… Most people will only say ‘my love’ when in fact they are in love. However, if he is just saying ‘love’ then this can be merely a casual term. Here in Australia, calling someone ‘love’ is almost second nature to us, even when addressing strangers, lol. Long story short, yes… It at least appears as though his feelings towards you have strengthened.

Answer #2

Definitely can’t draw conclusions based on what a person nicknames you. Nicknames are trivial, its the actions that will show whether or not he loves you. Just needs something to call you to get your attention of course.

Answer #3

It’s his unconscious emotional progression in an upward spiral which is making his emotions and feelings towards you grow stronger and intenser with the forward progression of time. There’s no machiavellian speculation behind his calling you different nick names. It’s just his way of expressing his inner feelings of affection outward with whatever ‘nick name’ he feels will go the most congruent and be the most emotionally relevant to the emotions he feels at that time.

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