Boyfriend cheated?

Today at school my friend named jo jo stol me that she saw my boyfriend xav holding hands with another girl. The next day they went up to him and told them they saw him. He said he didnt do it. Xav’s best friend said that he ws with him a lot yesterday and xav never touched another girl. My other friend brooke kicked him tody, and my other friend megan says that she would go out with him still. Jo jo was positive she saw him. Everyone is breaking up with him for me . Whao should I belive, whay and I just need help. Pleasea answer asap!!!

Answer #1

erm well see how it goes, tell your bestfriend that you belive her & tell your boyfriend your not sure what to belive but if you hear of this again then its over? im not really sure, some morepeople should comment soon tho

goood luck, I wish you the best & merry christmas (:

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