Boyfriend Blues

Just broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I’m 24 he’s 27. I always pictured him being “my one” I broke up with him because lately he’s not been giving me any time attention or love. I’m not an obsessive girlfriend I don’t haunt him every minute of every day. I gave him a choice, make an effort and spend time with me or break up. He wouldnt choose. So I asked him to leave meaning its over. I’m lost without him, I do love him but cant go back to the way things were if hes not willing to make an effort. What do I do ? Its been two days - a friend suggested leave it till Monday and ask to talk to see if hes willing to try??? What do I do please dont be mean with answers he seems like a lost soul at the moment but wont talk HELP

Answer #1

Wow. Too quote the Joker “Even to a guy like me thats cold!”

You arent an obsessive girlfriend who haunts him for attention every minute of everyday, (here comes my favorite part) you were totally reasonable and gave him a completely black and white choice with no middle ground at all “Spend more time with me OR ELSE!!” I think you should give him another chance. I think you should apologise because people dont treat those whom they consider “the one” that way. My girlfriends sister lives with her boyfriend they’re about 24 - 25 she lived in korea for an entire YEAR without seeing him and they were still fine when they got back together. He seems like a lost soul because you have put his heart in a blender for no reason at all, so start putting it back together. Unless you want to feel lousey for 7 months or however long it would take to get over it. That wasnt mean just observation I think you were way too harsh with him and he seems to have done nothing to warrant this dumping at all.

Answer #2

We both live in our parents homes. And yes I have to run after him to get to spend any time with him. We broke up on the Tuesday, I phones him on Friday to ask if he wanted to meet up to talk which he agreed to. I told him I’m miserable without him he told me the same back, its Sunday now we were meant to meet up and he went to the pub. Its over, it hurts to be with him but I hurt more without him.

Answer #3

But your lost without him (I.e miserable) and he is like a lost soul (I.e miserable) you must miss each other give it a few days and see how it goes, also define spends no time with you, does that mean you have to ask to see him? Or do you live together or what you didnt give much context :-/

Answer #4

But he had been sp[ending NO quality time with me at all. No communication just nothing. Whats the point in that. Relationships should be about give and take and he was willing to give absolutly nothing, he wasnt willing to compromise at all. What about me feeling lousy? I have felt unloved and unapreciated for a good while now, has he considered that? Its about give and take and he just sat on the fence

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