Boyfriend & bestfriend.

Okay this is complicated but I just need advice on the overall situation, I don’t have a specific question.

So my best friend and boyfriend are neighbors. They’ve known eachother their whole lives and she never lets me forget that. Well since we’ve been going out she’s been talking to him alottt and also lets me know that.

Anyway, I found out she told him a lot of stuff I trusted her with. When I confronted her on the issue she said ‘I have the same loyalty to both of you. If you tell me something I’m gonna tell him.’ I understand they’ve known eachother forever but they barely talked until my boyfriend and I started going out.

Well for the past three days they’ve hungout alll day. I had planned to hangout with him after work today but he texted me saying well, (insert name here) is over so I don’t know if you’ll want to. Great.. So he traded plans with me for hanging out with her. Which makes me mad cause I don’t want them hanging out but I can’t control who he’s friends with.

Answer #1

wow if shes your best friend tell her 2 BACK OFF!!!in nice way though and remind her that He’s your boyfriend and she needs 2 stop acting like hers!just let her know how you feel.and if she is a true friend she would understand and ease off him alittle but if she doesnt then that proves that shes not a trustworthy friend!

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