boyfriend )=

me and my boyfriend broke up on saturday , he said he needed sometime to himself, because his hockey team , is second in the united states. and he said whenever he plays hockey, all he does is think about me, and he doesnt do as good because his mind just worries about me and not his game. so he said maybe we’ll get back together when his hockey ends..
but I don’t know , we still talk constantly. but its not the same , he says he still has a lot of feelings for me , and I really do love him , since we’ve been together for a long time. he knows that I want him again.

how do I get him back soon?

Answer #1

I think maybe you should respect his wishes. and wait untill the season is over. if he really likes you. he will have no probelm getting back with you when it’s over. but make sure you make it clear to him that you want to get back with him.

Answer #2

I think maybe you should respect his wishes. and wait untill the season is over. if he really likes you. he will have no probelm getting back with you when it’s over. but make sure you make it clear to him that you want to get back with him.

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