
Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I love him. I can straight up admit that I do not think I am in love with him. I mean sure I get butterflies over him on occasion. But that is not my issue with him.

I am the type of girl that keeps my feelings hidden, I put on a fake smile and act like everything is fine, even when I just wanna break down and cry. We had broken up about a month ago because of this issue that I hate, we ended up talking about everything and we both promised to change, him with the way he treats me, yelling and never showing me that he cares. But recently I have been telling him about the fact that he doesn’t show me he cares, two weeks ago he was the cutest to me, now I get nothing but bull.

The worst is when I bring anything up he gets angry telling me I act like a child and shouldn’t let this bother me, I should take him how he is.. But how do I take someone when their attitude changes every few weeks, even every few days.. I don’t know what to do… I have tried the breakups even breaks we always end up together but something always messes it up.

(btw I am 18, legal, freshman in college and I have been with him for over a year and a half, dont tell me I am not in love with him because I stated that I didn’t think I was, p.s nasty comments are worthless, so don’t bother, be honest and blunt but keep the crap talk to yourself please).

Answer #1

agreed. this is what happened with me and my ex, we were together in total 2 years and a half. When we first got together he was the loveliest bloke ever, I was 15 and he was 19. We spent a lot of time together. THEN, thingsa changed he drank a lot at weekends and done a lot of illegal drugs, he used to yell at me constantly, and threaten me. but he would be lovely over the next couple of days. Fortunatley, we split up, I thought I loved him but ended up cheating on him after he done many things to hurt me. im glad we split up and alothough I am trying to find happiness, I still have him on my back, I doubt il ever get rid of him grrr xx

Answer #2

although I am younger I can relate to this, me and my boyfriend went out for less that you and yours but still he was lovely with me once I told him he needed to care more then he changed back, in the end we went on a break but got back together, the fact is it doesnt seem like you can live with him but you cant live without him, you say your not in love with him I think you mean you like him when he is nice? he shouldnt be acting like that towards you, since you are not in love with him why dont you tell him straight and end it completly, however much you may miss him you said youself it never seems to work out. however the final descision is always your choice :] hope I helped

Answer #3

you defiantly need to tell him hes making you feel this way, and stand up for yourself, us girls get treated as if we don’t know anything and over exagurate our feelings when really were just honest and deserve a lot better! I wouldn’t tell you to break up with him as you’ve been together a long time, but maybe theres too much hate there to be a proper functioning relationship, you need a day out, to the zoo? or the cinema? or maybe even a weekend away. Being together and how you were at the start might remind him of why hes with you and why your with him. You really need to work this out because at 18 your probably planning a future and you can’t waste time, you only live once, you need to work it out or leave it because everyone has there someone, he might be your someone.

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