
I really like my ex. its kinda of weird. we broke up like 5 months ago. he treated me really good. but some reason he like hates me now. there is something special about him. I am trying to get over him. its really hard tho. help?

Answer #1

There’s nothing special about him - you are just being a typical girl. You want something that you can’t have. Move on - the main reason you want him back is because you know he doesn’t want you now - that drives a woman crazy.

Answer #2

I know a girl that’s in the same situation. Me and her were 2gether fer a while after they ended it but now she went back 2 him and he was bein a dick 2 her last night and ill give you the same advice. If he’s not bein nice 2 you don’t talk 2 him anymore. Theres no point in wasting your time.

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