
Hey, ok so my boyfriend of 9 months is starting to act really weird…is that a sign he wants to break up with me? Like he doesnt talk to me as much, and he makes me call him first he never calls is that a sign he wants to break up? If so what should I do?

Answer #1

I think libbys right …guys are all spontaneous at first but when they feel close enough to be themselves them theres nothing stopping them haha… Just have a serious talk with the guy and ask him if he is happy with your current relationship with him..

Good Luck!

Answer #2

Well he probably thinks he can finally be himself around you.So he is probably very laid back when he is around you!Boys can be shy sometimes when it comes to phones have no clue why though!

Answer #3

well all I can say is that if its true break up with him first!!! lololol im just kidding dont listen 2 that

but ummm it might just be, is he taking more interest in other girls? like as if hes on the market again or something?

and if hes not calling you first I figure hes trying 2 avoid you softly. just giving those small hints that the sparks dying.

if you still want him, and you dont want it 2 end, I suggest spicing things up a bit. like going 2 a fair or a beach or 2 a movie. and just try 2 liven things up a bit you no?

if hes sensitive I wud write him a poem or do something thats rilly meaningful.

Answer #4

I think it might be, just ask him what’s wrong. beg the truth out of him.

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