Boy or girl parakeet?

Should I get a boy or girl parakeet? If so what should I name the boy or girl?

Answer #1

I’ve had mostly girl parakeets, and I’ve had only one boy parakeet. I wouldn’t reccomend any one sex over the other, as both are equally nice to have.

No matter what sex they are, they are nice to have, and they spit seeds everywhere.

As to what you should name it, you should get to know the bird before you decide on a final name. My bird’s name is Bluebelly. Guess what color she is?

Answer #2

look right above there beak (the orange thing)if it is bule or buleist puple that is boy. if it is a peachist pink color it is a girlor my one over fall was a hot pink or redist color .

hope I helped you out?

Answer #3

Well I’d name it after something that you like. Or maybe a character from a book.

If I had a boy Parakeet it’d be : Yun-Yun If I had a girl Parakeet it’d be : Chachi

Haha. Yeah I’m lame I know.

Answer #4

You cannot tell if they are boys or girls unless you get them DNA tested its silly so just look at them and decide your self :L xx

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