boy dilema

there is this reallly peng boy that I fancy. Ispoke to him the other day and I was speaking a whole load of nonsense! then to make the situation worse my dad drove in and started shouting at me infront of the boy. he probably thinks im a freak. what should I do??

Answer #1

I agree with ichibanarky, your making it a little bit far fetched. If this boy you like feels that your an idiot, then he’s not the right guy then. I’m sure he doesn’t. Lots of Dads are like that, mine would embarras the hell out off me if he saw me speaking to a boy, even if I didnt like him lol. Thats what there made for. ♥

Answer #2

Well, I can’t say I know what ‘reallly peng’ means, but what I do know of boys - they’re not that complex.

He surely doesn’t think you’re a freak and you are over-analyzing the situation. Next time you talk to him, just try to stay calm.

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