Boy Difficulties

ok, so there’s this quy that stares at me A LOT! even when I glance over at him he doesn’t look away. he also uses every chance he gets to touch me when were sitting next to each other. he confuses me though because he acts like he likes me a lot but he doesnt try and talk to me even though he sits next to me in a couple classes! I dont get it!

Answer #1

The short answer is that he likes you, but he’s shy. He’s afraid to approach you in a normal conversation. If you think you could be interested in him, just start a conversation with him, and then start another conversation with him the next day (because he might have been too scared to get into it the first time).

If you’re not interested, just ignore him.

Answer #2

He must be on the shy side. Maybe he is not the starter and is expecting the girl to make a move if she is interested. Go ahead and start talking to him if you like him.

Some guys just want the girl to make the first move. If this isn’t the type of guy you want. Steer clear and leave him alone. He’ll expect you to make ALL the first moves. Talk, walking together, hold hands, dating, kissing, etc. If you prefer a guy to be the starter, you may get hurt by this one by thinking he doesn’t desire or like you when it’s just that he’s waiting for you.

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