bored so I want to ask random questions

ok I am bored so I wanted to ask random questions if you think I gets to personal tell me at the end k thx

  1. your name a phone
  2. what kind
  3. what country live in
  4. what is one place you want to go
  5. favorite name
  6. favorite food
  7. how old are you 9.favortie person in the world
  8. person you hate the most
  9. favorite music
  10. favorite group
  11. favorite animal
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep
  14. favorite drink
  15. your hair color
  16. favorite hair color
  17. have you ever dyed your hair
  18. any highlights
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair
  20. do you live in the country or city
  21. do you think your better than anyone
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have
  23. favorite boo
  24. favorite movie
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs
  26. name you hate
  27. food you hate
  28. games you hate
  29. games love
  30. a social site or a social site
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both
  33. are your real parents still together
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball/
  36. favorite color
  37. color you hate
  38. do you have a crush
  39. wats his or hers name
  40. are you with anyone 43.goth or emo or none
  41. favorite candy you like sims 2 or the 3 one better
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those
  43. favorite word
  44. big or small room]
  45. big or small house
  46. got a car
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want
  48. is it cold or hot where you live

if some of the things are to personal for you dont answer them k thx LeKay

Answer #1
  1. your name-Misty a phone-yep
  2. what kind-Blackberry pearl
  3. what country live in-US
  4. what is one place you want to go-Austraila
  5. favorite name-Xavier
  6. favorite food-Pizza
  7. how old are you-13 9.favortie person in the world-My mom, and Crystal my sister
  8. person you hate the most -Eh I have a few but I don’t hate them just really(1000x) don’t like them
  9. favorite music-rock, screamo, alternative
  10. favorite group-too many
  11. favorite animal-Panther
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player-football player ima girl haha I hate cheerleaders
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep-emo
  14. favorite drink- powerade mixed with other pops(my fav alcoholic one at the moment is vodka)
  15. your hair color-black, with blonde and brown
  16. favorite hair color-black with highlites
  17. have you ever dyed your hair-ALL THE TIME
  18. any highlights-yep
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair-medium a lil passed my shoulders
  20. do you live in the country or city-country =(
  21. do you think your better than anyone-a few people
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have-5 bros 3 sis
  23. favorite book-too many
  24. favorite movie-too many
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs-I don’t know
  26. name you hate-gretchen
  27. food you hate-hambergur helper
  28. games you hate-I don’t know
  29. games love-I don’t know
  30. a social site or a social site-?
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them-I like them my sister is allergic
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both-mom
  33. are your real parents still together-nope
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone-no
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball/-basketball
  36. favorite color-neon lime green
  37. color you hate-crappy brown
  38. do you have a crush- yep =)
  39. wats his or hers name-Tyler
  40. are you with anyone-Sorta ^ 43.goth or emo or none-emo
  41. favorite candy-Skittles, I like to taste the rainbow you like sims 2 or the 3 one better-I don’t know
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those-none
  43. favorite word-Chimichanga!
  44. big or small room]–small
  45. big or small house- medium
  46. got a car- no D=
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it-midnight blue, or black 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want -A really fast and nice Camaro
  48. is it cold or hot where you live-Atm cold but it changes
Answer #2
  1. your name - rachael a phone - yes
  2. what kind -dunno
  3. what country live in - UK
  4. what is one place you want to go - rome
  5. favorite name - Grace
  6. favorite food - custard
  7. how old are u - 17 9.favortie person in the world - My girlfriend
  8. person you hate the most - dunno
  9. favorite music - anything
  10. favorite group - loads
  11. favorite animal - mouse or lizard
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player - no
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep - nothing
  14. favorite drink - coca cola
  15. your hair color - light brown
  16. favorite hair color - dark brown
  17. have you ever dyed your hair - yes
  18. any highlights - no
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair - short
  20. do you live in the country or city -city
  21. do you think your better than anyone - yes
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have - 1 brother
  23. favorite boo - dunno
  24. favorite movie - loads
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs - kaley cuoco
  26. name you hate - maria
  27. food you hate - anything spicy
  28. games you hate - dunno
  29. games love - dunno
  30. a social site or a social site
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them - I like em
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both - mum
  33. are your real parents still together - no
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball/
  36. favorite color - pink
  37. color you hate - brown
  38. do you have a crush - no
  39. wats his or hers name
  40. are you with anyone - yes engaged 43.goth or emo or none - emo
  41. favorite candy - dolly mixtures you like sims 2 or the 3 one better -havent played 3
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those - flip
  43. favorite word
  44. big or small room] - small
  45. big or small house - small
  46. got a car - no
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it - black 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want
  48. is it cold or hot where you live - cold
Answer #3
  1. your name - Julie a phone - Yes
  2. what kind - Sony Ericsson
  3. what country live in - England
  4. what is one place you want to go - Australia
  5. favorite name - Lazarie
  6. favorite food - Yorkshire puddings
  7. how old are u - Thirteen 9.favortie person in the world - Don’t know
  8. person you hate the most - Chavs that kill everyone
  9. favorite music - Anything really
  10. favorite group - Miss Frank (haven’t got a recording contract but were on xfactor)
  11. favorite animal - Dog
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player - Neither
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep - Nothing
  14. favorite drink - Fanta or Pepsi
  15. your hair color - Brunette
  16. favorite hair color - Light brown
  17. have you ever dyed your hair - No
  18. any highlights - No
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair - Medium length
  20. do you live in the country or city - Neither really
  21. do you think your better than anyone - No
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have - 2 brothers
  23. favorite book - kissed by a angel
  24. favorite movie - Wildchild
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs - Aston Merrygold
  26. name you hate - Mary
  27. food you hate - Anything spicy
  28. games you hate - Dunno what it’s called
  29. games love - Wii Fit (the skiing one)
  30. a social site or a social site - There the same..
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them - I love them
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both - Both
  33. are your real parents still together - Yes
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball - Basketball
  36. favorite color - Orangy Pink
  37. color you hate - Yellow
  38. do you have a crush - Yesss (:
  39. wats his or hers name - Aaron
  40. are you with anyone - No 43.goth or emo or none - Neither
  41. favorite candy - Dolly mixtures you like sims 2 or the 3 one better - havent played 2 so 3 (:
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those - Slide
  43. favorite word - Toadstools
  44. big or small room] - Small
  45. big or small house - Small
  46. got a car - My parents do, and my brother but not me.
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it - Red 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want - Mi
  48. is it cold or hot where you live - Atm it is cold
Answer #4
  1. your name - Holly a phone - no cell phone yet, but I hope I’ll get one really soon.
  2. what kind -
  3. what country live in - USA
  4. what is one place you want to go - Different states in the USA, Finland, the UK.
  5. favorite name - Aiden, Jade, Jasmine, Max, Marti.
  6. favorite food - Pizza
  7. how old are you - Almost 18 9.favortie person in the world - My friends, my mom, my brother.
  8. person you hate the most - A certain guy who shall not be named…
  9. favorite music - Rock, metal, screamo, etc…
  10. favorite group - Too many to list them all…
  11. favorite animal - Pugs, wolves, cats.
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player - Absolutely not. Why would I want to be?
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep - In high school I was considered the “outcast” since there weren’t many others of my “kind” there. My school was mostly filled with preps… that’s exactly why I’m glad I’m out of that sh*t hole now…
  14. favorite drink - Vault, mountain dew, fanta orange, orange crush.
  15. your hair color - Blonde
  16. favorite hair color - Depends on the person
  17. have you ever dyed your hair - No
  18. any highlights - Not really
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair - Long
  20. do you live in the country or city - I guess it’d be considered the country since I live on a back road…
  21. do you think your better than anyone - Kind of I guess
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have - 1 brother, no sisters.
  23. favorite boo - What?
  24. favorite movie - The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, and several other horror/scray movies.
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs - I don’t feel like naming everyone…
  26. name you hate - I don’t know…
  27. food you hate - Anything with peanut butter in it
  28. games you hate - Pretty much all sports except skate boarding.
  29. games love - There’s a lot of games I like…
  30. a social site or a social site - What?
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them - I’m not allergic to them, I just don’t like peanuts.
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both - Both
  33. are your real parents still together - Yes
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone -
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball/ - None
  36. favorite color - Black, silver, grey, blood red, midnight blue
  37. color you hate - Pink
  38. do you have a crush - Yes
  39. wats his or hers name - I don’t want to announce that…
  40. are you with anyone - Not currently 43.goth or emo or none - I’m just me… but I’m usually called emo/goth
  41. favorite candy - Way too many to name you like sims 2 or the 3 one better - I don’t know…
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those - I don’t have a phone yet
  43. favorite word - Awesomeness! lol
  44. big or small room] - My bedroom is kind of medium in size and the room I’m in now is big.
  45. big or small house - Big
  46. got a car - No
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it - I want car that’s either black, silver or midnight blue. 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want - I’m not sure yet..
  48. is it cold or hot where you live - It’s pretty chilly out here…
Answer #5
  1. your name - Kal a phone - yes
  2. what kind - nokia 5130 xpress music
  3. what country live in - albania
  4. what is one place you want to go - japan
  5. favorite name - aaron
  6. favorite food - lasagna
  7. how old are you - 21 9.favortie person in the world - my angel
  8. person you hate the most - does everyone count?
  9. favorite music - black metal
  10. favorite group - Hypothermia
  11. favorite animal - Dog
  12. are you a cheerleader or football player - none
  13. what are you in high school jock/nerd/prep - university
  14. favorite drink - coca cola
  15. your hair color - brown
  16. favorite hair color - dont have one
  17. have you ever dyed your hair - no
  18. any highlights - no
  19. do you have short/long/or medium hair - short
  20. do you live in the country or city - city
  21. do you think your better than anyone - hell yeah O_O
  22. how many brothers or siters do you have - I have one siter :P
  23. favorite boo - eh?
  24. favorite movie - the number 23
  25. who do you think is the hottie out of all the celebs - charlize theron O_O
  26. name you hate - mustafa
  27. food you hate - eggplants
  28. games you hate - anything without blood
  29. games love - killingfloor, call of duty 4 etc.
  30. a social site or a social site - dunno what you mean
  31. do you like peanuts or are you alergic to them- yes, no
  32. do you live with your mom or dad or both - both
  33. are your real parents still together - course
  34. if not do you like who they are with if they are with anyone—
  35. basketball/ baseball/softball/vollyball/- none
  36. favorite color- black
  37. color you hate - pink
  38. do you have a crush - no
  39. wats his or hers name- the devil
  40. are you with anyone - yes 43.goth or emo or none - none
  41. favorite candy - bitter chocolate you like sims 2 or the 3 one better - hate sims
  42. does your phone flip/ side/ or does your phone not do any of those - nope
  43. favorite word - Donkey punch (you can count that as one cant ya?? :P)
  44. big or small room] -medium
  45. big or small house - big
  46. got a car- nope
  47. what color is it and if you dont have a car what color do you want it - black or dark blue 52 what kind is it if you dont have a car what kind of car do you want - a VW Golf 6 GTI drool
  48. is it cold or hot where you live - its very hot in the summer and freezing in the winter… shiver
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