
I am 18 and 6’3. I am of medium build but my wrists are quite skinny in my opinion. I was wondering if it is possible that they will get bigger and if it is a yes what do i have to eat or do. In my last question i asked about height. If i sleep early and drink alot of milk, then will this help me get taller.

Thanks for your help.

Answer #1

Milk will definitely make your bones stronger, but that doesn’t mean they’ll grow taller. Usually boys grow very quickly in their early teens and more slowly in their late teens, and it’s unlikely that you’ll continue growing past 20. Even if you continue growing taller from now on, it won’t be for more than a couple of years maybe and not by much more than a few millimeters total. 6’3 is a good height though (speaking from the point of view of a short girl who’s tired of standing on her toes to kiss, haha). As about the wrists, the bone isn’t going to get wider for sure, so you can exercise the muscle, but even the muscle there doesn’t get particularly huge. Some people have fragile wrists or problems with the joints though, so exercise may hurt you rather than help - if you’re really worried about your wrists, ask your doctor.

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